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The best Iberian Ham

Bellota Pata Negra

All our Iberian Hams come

from free-range farms

Your ingredients for your Spanish


Quality Spanish gastronomy

Pata Negra" bellota, Iberian cold meats and top-of-the-range Spanish gastronomy. Your best Spanish delicatessen.

Iberian Ham and Pata Negra Bellota Ham...

Discover the entire range of 100% Iberian Ham from Bellota

Better known as "Pata Negra Ham", this Iberian ham is considered to be the best in the world. The Iberian breed is found in the south-west of Spain and for the best quality the pigs are 100% Iberian, free-range and fed on "bellotas" (acorns) in oak forests.

Pata Negra Ham is the name given to Iberian ham from 100% Iberian pigs fed on acorns. In other cases, it is simply called "Iberian Ham".

Espagne-Gourmet offers you the most prestigious and highest quality Iberian hams.

Our wide range of Iberian Ham and Pata Negra Ham, whole, boneless or sliced!


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Espagne Gourmet is the realisation of a dream by two Spaniards to offer their customers the very best in Spanish gastronomy.

We're passionate about Iberian ham and we're always on the lookout for exceptional, quality products. First of all, for our own pleasure :) and above all, so that you can enjoy them!

You can order your Spanish ham and charcuterie today and have it delivered to your door tomorrow, because good things don't take long to arrive.

And don't forget all the products you need to make great "Tapas". All our products are of excellent quality.

Discover Serrano Ham

Espagne Gourmet

Since 2009. A few quality products were all it took to launch a project that has grown over the years to establish us as the benchmark for Spanish gastronomy in Europe.

Around the Iberian ham, we are making a name for ourselves in the best restaurants and the best grocery shops, but above all in your homes.

Our wide range of Iberian ham and pata negra bellota ham gives you the opportunity to taste the best Spanish ham. You can buy Iberian ham whole, boned or sliced.

And don't forget to accompany your ham with our charcuterie, wines and framages.

Discover Iberian Ham

A little help in choosing your Iberian ham or Pata Negra ham

Iberian Ham:

A ham from an Iberian pig, whether cross-bred or not.

Bellota Iberian ham:

A ham from an Iberian pig, cross-bred or not, fed on acorns, roots and herbs. Free-range.

Cebo Iberian Ham:

This ham comes from Iberian pigs, cross-bred or not, fed on cereals. Raised in pigsties. Espagne Gourmet does not work with this inferior quality.

Cebo de Campo Iberian Ham:

A ham from an Iberian pig, cross-bred or not, fed on herbs, roots and cereals. Free-range rearing in forests.

Pata Negra Ham:

A ham from a 100% Iberian pig fed on acorns (bellotas), roots and herbs. Matured in oak forests in the wild.


The front leg weighs between 4 and 6 kgs.


The hind leg weighs between 6 and 10 kgs.


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