Sliced Pata Negra Bellota Iberian Shoulder
Knife-cut Cinco Jotas 5J shoulder 70 grs. Acorn fed.
Cinco Jotas 5J is a 100% Iberian Pata Negra Bellota shoulder ham.
It comes from the best free-range pigs fed on acorns, roots and herbs.
Hand-cured for a minimum of 24 months in Andalusian cellars.
Weight 70 grs
Organic 100% Iberian Bellota shoulder, sliced - Pata Negra 80g. Acorn Fed.
100% Iberian bellota Pata Negra shoulder
Sliced Pata Negra Iberian shoulder from 100% free-range Iberian pigs fed on acorns, roots and herbs.
Pata Negra 100% Iberian Bellota Shoulder Sliced with a knife 100 grs Exqium - WITHOUT ADDITIVES
Iberian shoulder bellota 100 g. Sliced. 50% Iberian breed.
Sliced shoulder from free-range 50% Iberian pigs fed on acorns, roots and herbs.