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  • €148.00 - €299.00

Pata Negra Bellota Iberian Shoulder

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100% Iberian shoulder Pata Negra Bellota Cinco Jotas 5J


100% Iberian shoulder bellota Pata Negra Cinco Jotas 5J.
From free-range farms in the forests of the Andalusia region, where the animals are raised in the wild and fed exclusively on root crops and cereals.

Maturation lasts around 24 months in natural cellars, where the entire production is natural.
Cinco Jotas is one of the world\'s most renowned ham producers.
For 10 €uros more get a ham holder available in our accessories section.

100% Iberian shoulder Bellota Pata Negra Montesano. Acorn Fed..


Bellota Iberian shoulder from 100% Iberian pigs fed exclusively on acorns, roots and herbs in the oak forests of southwest Spain. Hams raised and cured in this region are renowned for their quality.
These shoulders have very good fat infiltration into the muscles. The 100% Iberian breed and a perfect, balanced diet produce excellent Iberian shoulders.
They are naturally matured for 24-28 months.

For 10 €uros more get a ham holder available in our accessories section.

Organic 100% Iberian Bellota shoulder - Pata Negra- Acorn fed.

Organic Pata Negra Shoulder 100% Iberian from the southwest region of Spain.
This organic shoulder comes from animals, farms and oak forests certified organic. In these productions we obtain Iberian pata negra ham and purebred 100% Iberian shoulders that will have a black strap that certifies the quality of the product and a green strap that guarantees that it is organic.
This shoulder has no additives, no nitrates and no preservatives. The only ingredients are ham and salt.
For 10 € more, get a ham holder available in our accessories section.

100% Iberian shoulder Bellota Pata Negra PDO Jabugo Summum. Acorn Fed.


Top-quality 100% Iberian Bellota Pata Negra PDO Jabugo Summum shoulder.

From 100% Iberian pigs raised and matured in the Jabugo region. Good breed purity and a diet rich in acorns, herbs and roots give this shoulder harmony, organoleptic qualities and a characteristic aromatic richness. In addition, know-how and long, natural curing in the micro-climate of the Jabugo sierra bring excellence to Iberian ham and shoulders produced in the region.

For €10 more, get a ham holder available in our accessories section.

100% Iberian Bellota Shoulder - Pata Negra - Señorio de Montanera. Acorn fed.

100% Iberian Pata Negra shoulder from the southwest region of Spain.
This shoulder comes from animals, raised in freedom in certified oak forests. In these productions we obtain Iberian pata negra ham and purebred 100% Iberian shoulders that will have a black strap that certifies the quality of the product.
For 10 € more, get a ham holder available in our accessories section.

Exqium Shoulder 100% Iberian Bellota - Pata Negra - ADDITIVES FREE. Acorn fed.

Iberian Bellota Pata Negra shoulder from 100% Iberian Exqium breed.
This shoulder is produced in Andalusia and comes from purebred Iberian pigs that are fed on acorns, grasses and roots.
The production of Exqium Iberian ham and Iberian shoulder has the particularity of not containing additives or nitrites. The only ingredients are the shoulder and salt.
Natural ripening is done with temperature and humidity regulation which is done by opening and closing the windows. This varies between 22 and 28 months depending on the climate of the years and the size of the rooms.
For 10 € more, get a ham holder available in our accessories section.

Iberian Cebo de Campo Shoulder Montesano. 50% Iberian breed.


Iberian Cebo de Campo shoulder from pigs raised in freedom and fed with grass and cereals.
Breeding in the southwest region of Spain, in the province of Badajoz, which is the cradle of the Iberian pig.
Natural ripening for around 24 months.

50% Iberian breed.

For 10 € more, get a ham holder available in our accessories section.

Iberian Shoulder "Cebo de Campo" from Andalusia Exqium WITHOUT ADDITIVES

50% Iberian Cebo de Campo shoulder which comes from a farm and refiner in Andalusia.
This breeder has the particularity of producing a totally natural product, without nitrites or preservatives and with refining without mechanical means.

This Exqium shoulder is very good value for money.

The production area in Andalusia is a perfect ecosystem for Iberian pig farming.

Cebo de Campo means that the pigs are raised in freedom and fed with cereals and grasses.

For 10 € more, get a ham holder available in our accessories section.

Iberian Cebo de Campo Shoulder. 50% Iberian breed.


Shoulder of 50% Iberian Cebo de Campo breed from pigs raised in freedom and fed with grass and cereals.
Breeding in the southwest region of Spain which is the cradle of the Iberian pig.
Natural ripening for around 24 months.

For 10 € more, get a ham holder available in our accessories section.

Iberian shoulder - Pata Negra shoulder - Bellota shoulder

Iberian shoulder is an excellent choice if you're looking for something smaller than Iberian ham. A shoulder allows us to treat ourselves at a more affordable price and with the same quality.

However, shoulders have more weight when cut than ham. Shoulders have a very high fat content.

The amount of fat in shoulders is a quality characteristic, not a defect. This makes for a very good taste and a curing period of around 24 months.

We advise you not to remove all the fat when cutting and to cut meat with fat, which is very good and will give each slice its taste.

Each of our shoulders has a strap that guarantees the quality of the shoulder you buy.

To guide you in your choice of shoulder, we'll show you the differences.

Pata Negra bellota Iberian shoulder: From 100% Iberian pigs fed on acorns, roots and herbs. Free-range. Black wristband.

Iberian shoulder bellota: From pigs of at least 50% Iberian breed. Fed on acorns, roots and grasses. Free-range. Red wristband.

Cebo de Campo Iberian shoulder: From 50% Iberian pigs. Fed on cereals, herbs and roots. Free-range. Green wristband.

Cebo Iberian shoulder: This is a quality we don't work with, as these animals are kept in confinement. This results in an inferior product. White strap