Roast kid in milk
Roast suckling lamb
Roast suckling pig
Lomo Gran Reserva
Cecina 1,9 kg
Cow meat aged a minimum of 12 months and oak-smoked.
Assortment Cinco Jotas 5J 4x70 grs
A selection of Cinco Jotas\' most renowned products.
- 100% Iberian bellota Pata Negra ham, knife-sliced 70 grs.
- 100% Iberian bellota Pata Negra shoulder, sliced with a knife, 70 grs.
- Lomo 100% Iberian bellota 70 grs
- Presa 100% Iberian bellota 70 grs
Presented in a box that can be ideal as a gift.
Señorio de Montanera acorn-fed Iberian loin. 100% Iberian breed.
Excellent Lomo from 100% Iberian pigs raised in freedom.
Morcon 100% Iberian bellota Cinco Jotas 5J 800 - 1200 grs
This Morcon Pata Negra Cinco Jotas 5J is made exclusively from 100% free-range Iberian bellota pork fed on roots, herbs and acorns.
Roast kid in milk
You\'ll receive this milk-fed kid boneless, rolled up and vacuum-packed.
Just put it in the oven for 30 minutes, or a little longer if necessary, to brown it.
Ideal for 3 people.
Weight 800 grs.
Roast suckling lamb
You\'ll receive this boneless suckling lamb rolled up and vacuum-packed.
Just put it in the oven for 30 minutes, or a little longer if necessary, to brown.
Ideal for 3 people.
Weight 800 grs.
Lomo Ibérique Cebo de Campo
These beautiful pieces of lomo de cebo de campo are naturally cured pork tenderloin.
From 50% free-range Iberian pigs fed on cereals, herbs and roots.
Lomo is one of the most prized parts of the pig.
Roast suckling pig
You have the possibility of finding this dish at home.
You will receive this suckling pig boneless and rolled and vacuum-packed.
You just have to put it in the oven for 45-60 minutes until it is golden.
Ideal for 3 people.
Weight 800 g.
Iberian acorn-fed loin. 100% Iberian breed. Acorn fed.
The loin is the most appreciated part of the Iberian bellota pig after the ham.
It comes from the best 100% Iberian pigs with which Iberian pata negra bellota ham is made. The breeding is done freely in large expanses of oak forests.
Loin "folded" 100% acorn-fed iberian pork loin
Lomo doblado ibérico bellota from 100% Iberian pigs.
The animals live free in the oak forests of Extremadura, where they feed on root herbs and bellotas (acorns),
This diet gives an exceptional flavor to this sausage.
Lomo doblado is a specialty of the Extremadura region.
Organic loin 100% acorn-fed Iberian pork loin
Acorn-fed Iberian pork loin 5J . Cinco Jotas.
Let yourself be tempted by one of the best lomo around.
The lomo corresponds to the tenderloin.
100% Iberian acorn-fed chorizo Señorio de Montanera
Excellent chorizo from 100% free-range Iberian pigs.
Morcon 100% Iberian acorn-fed
Morcon is a lesser-known Spanish Iberian sausage that is a type of chorizo. It is prepared in the same way but the difference is that the tripe used to cure it is larger than that of chorizo. In addition, for its preparation, more noble meats are used such as the tenderloin, the filet mignon and the presa.
It is a product with a different presentation to the usual chorizo.
This morcon comes from 100% Iberian pigs raised free-range and fed on acorns.
Señorio de Montanera 100% Iberian bellota sausage
Excellent sausage from 100% Iberian pigs raised in freedom.
Organic 100% Iberian Bellota Chorizo
Viande "Presa Ibérica" - 100% Ibérique Bellota 5J Five Jotas
The "presa ibérica" is one of the best parts of the Iberian pig.
Iberian bellota sausage
The pigs used to make this sausage are free-range and fed acorns in the Extremadura region.
Iberian sausage with truffle aroma
Señorío de Montanera\'s 100% Iberian bellota sausage with truffle aroma is made with carefully selected lean meats from 100% free-range Iberian pigs that feed on acorns, herbs and roots. This is a gourmet product of exceptional quality, with a perfect balance between the fine taste of the Iberian sausage and the aroma of the truffle and intensity of the acorn flavor.
Bellota Iberian Chorizo
Iberian chorizo from Iberian pigs naturally cured in its tripe.
The pigs used to make this chorizo were raised in the wild and fed acorns in the Extremadura region.
Various weights to choose from.
100% organic Iberian bellota sausage
Filet mignon iberico - Solomillo iberico
Our filet mignon comes from free-range Iberianpigs. The best Iberian meat is frozen, as it comes from free-range animals that are slaughtered around March.
100% Iberian Bellota Coppa. Acorn fed.
Cow meat aged a minimum of 12 months and oak-smoked.
Various weights to choose from.
Viande Pluma Ibérica - Pluma 100% Ibérique Bellota 5J Cinco Jotas
Our Pluma comes from 100% free-range Iberian pigs fed on acorns.
Sobrasada IGP de Mallorca 900 g
Made with pork and paprika.
Weight 900 grs
Sobrasada IGP de Mallorca douce 900 g
Sobrasada IGP de Mallorca is a delicatessen from the Balearic Islands.
Made with pork and paprika.
Weight 900 grs
Spicy smoked "cular" chorizo
Fresh chorizo for grilling 1 kg
Cinco Jotas loin 5J 70 g. Acorn fed.
Matured totally by hand in Andalusian cellars.
Weight 70 grs.
Organic 100% Iberian Bellota Loin Sliced 100 grs. Acorn fed.
Mild smoked cular chorizo
Cattle Longanisse 400 g
Lomo Gran Reserva
High quality "Gran Reserva" loin made from Spanish pork used for making Serrano ham.
Lomo is the pork tenderloin that is dried and smoked.
Iberian acorn-fed loin tanned 100 g. 50% Iberian breed.
Lomo 50% ibérico bellota.
100g of the finest vacuum-packed lomo.
From free-range 50% Iberian pigs fed on acorns.
100% organic Iberian bellota sausage, sliced 100 grs. Acorn fed.
Spanish charcuterie
Spanish charcuterie with a wide choice of quality products that will allow you to make your planks in an original way.
Spanish charcuterie is highly reputed and varied. Chorizo is the best-known product, but there are also other lesser-known products such as lomo, cecina and salami, or sobrasada de Mallorca.
Among the qualities you have the superior quality, which comes from Iberian pigs and even 100% Iberian pigs. We have an exclusive range of Iberian charcuterie.